1346 recipes for "bread"
Bread and Garlic Pasta

Bread and Garlic Pasta

Aug 16, 2006

The irresistible combination of bread and garlic melds into a creamy sauce that's simply a must for garlic lovers. A splash of red wine vinegar adds a tangy edge.

Power-Packed Bean Bread Focaccia

Power-Packed Bean Bread Focaccia

Jul 14, 2005

Make our tasty Bean Bread Dough to shape into flatbread for sandwiches or appetizers, or to accompany your favorite Italian meal.

Country Seed Bread

Country Seed Bread

Jul 14, 2005

When bread machines first became popular a few years ago, The Canadian Living Test Kitchen got busy adapting recipes. Very easy to make in the machine — and almost as easy by hand — this loaf is nutty, chewy and just plain good.

Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread

Gluten-Free Sandwich Bread

This easy no-knead bread has great texture and a simple, pleasing flavour. Enjoy slices warm with butter or transform them into a grilled cheese, a hearty sandwich or French toast. The best part: The loaves freeze beautifully, so make extra to enjoy later.

Maritime Brown Bread

Maritime Brown Bread

Nov 17, 2006

Serve this molasses-rich steamed bread with baked beans for a traditional down-home dinner. Or enjoy it toasted with butter or simply on its own. If you like, add 3/4 cup (175 mL) raisins, chopped dates or chopped dried apricots.

Chipotle Olive Bread

Chipotle Olive Bread

Feb 1, 2006

Speckled with olives and with a hint of chipotle chili (which is actually a dried smoked jalapeno pepper), this is a tasty savoury bread. If you don't have a chipotle, use a fresh or pickled jalapeno instead.

Corn Bread Loaf

Corn Bread Loaf

Jul 14, 2005

Baking this corn bread in a 13- x 9-inch (3.5 L) cake pan makes it easy to cut into cubes for turkey stuffing. It is also delicious served with blueberries and a pot of tea for an afternoon treat
