635 recipes for "cumin"
Charmoula Chicken

Charmoula Chicken

Aug 16, 2006

Charmoula is a Moroccan seasoning mixture of fresh herbs (coriander and parsley) and spices (paprika, cumin and cinnamon). Adding the herbs at the end gives the freshest, brightest flavour.

Fajita Pasta

Fajita Pasta

Jul 14, 2005

The sizzle of Tex-Mex steak fajitas — seasoned with cumin and lime — is front and centre in this pasta dish. The serve-yourself avocado salsa and sour cream add a fresh touch.

Dukkah Spice Blend

Dukkah Spice Blend


Dukkah is an Egyptian blend of nuts, seeds and spices. Recipes vary, but most consist of nuts, sesame seeds and cumin and coriander. For best flavour, toast the nuts and seeds before grinding to a fine powder.

Micro-Grilled Fries

Micro-Grilled Fries

Jul 14, 2005

Not only does grilling instead of frying cut down on fat but it also gives potatoes a tasty smoky flavour. Serve these irresistible bites with Peppercorn Thyme T-Bones, Cumin Flank Steak with Avocado Salad or Old-Fashioned Barbecued Drumsticks.

Slow Cooker Saffron Chicken and Apricot Tagine

Slow Cooker Saffron Chicken and Apricot Tagine

Tagine is a stew eaten all over Morocco served in earthenware pots of the same name. All tagines start with a spice  base, often including cinnamon, saffron, turmeric and cumin. Serve  with lemon wedges over couscous or with flatbread to soak up the  delicious juices.

Spiced Beef and Spinach Rice

Spiced Beef and Spinach Rice

Feb 1, 2014

Everyday ground spices add oodles of flavour to simple ground beef. If spicy dishes are right up your alley, add a generous pinch of cayenne pepper along with the cumin and curry powder. Serve topped with a dollop of yogurt, if desired. Cost: $2.40/serving

Roasted Chili Lemongrass Squash

Roasted Chili Lemongrass Squash

Brushed with aromatic chili oil and finished with a squeeze of lime, this hot-and-sour twist on a classic side dish will appeal to those who prefer savouries over sweets. Save leftover oil to use in stir-fries or toss with potatoes before roasting.For a milder dish, try the Cumin Lime Squash variation.
