656 recipes for "olive_oil"
Sablefish with Almond Olive Salsa

Sablefish with Almond Olive Salsa

Jan 2, 2008

Sablefish, also known as black cod, is a delicate fish that tastes best when cooked simply, such as poaching or broiling. The crunchy texture of this unique salsa (made with pantry ingredients) contrasts deliciously with the soft texture of the fish.

Roasted Chili Lemongrass Squash

Roasted Chili Lemongrass Squash

Brushed with aromatic chili oil and finished with a squeeze of lime, this hot-and-sour twist on a classic side dish will appeal to those who prefer savouries over sweets. Save leftover oil to use in stir-fries or toss with potatoes before roasting.For a milder dish, try the Cumin Lime Squash variation.

Tuscan Chicken Thighs with Black Olives and Capers

Tuscan Chicken Thighs with Black Olives and Capers

May 12, 2009

This recipe was passed down from my mother, and I remember when she used to make it on Sundays, usually in the fall or winter. The aroma will fill the house and our appetites and anticipation would only grow stronger. My mother would serve this dish with a fresh loaf of Italian bread.

Mango White Fish with Mango Salsa

Mango White Fish with Mango Salsa

May 13, 2009

I really like fish of any kind. Since white fish is plentiful in Alberta, I decided to dress it up using colorful ingredients. Our farmer markets in Edmonton give us fresh supplies of vegetables at this time of the year. Spring is here and color is happening, therefore, I thought that a salsa of different peppers would be ideal at this time of the year.

Garlic Chili Oil Rib Eye Steaks

Garlic Chili Oil Rib Eye Steaks

Nov 19, 2007

Bob and Arlene Choquette of Second to None Meats in Calgary say, “Our beef stands alone. Naturally raised and grain-fed finished Alberta beef has a flavour you should experience on its own.” However, they're happy to share this marinade.
