488 recipes for "spinach"
Stuffed Chicken With Late-Summer Vegetables

Stuffed Chicken With Late-Summer Vegetables

Aug 1, 2012

Ask your butcher to butterfly the chicken breasts. Or, simply do it yourself. Hold knife blade parrallel to work surface and starting at curved side, cut in half almost but not all the way through, then open like a book. Toothpicks are key to securing the sides of the chicken before searing.

Chicken, Apple and Cheese Mini Empanadas

Chicken, Apple and Cheese Mini Empanadas

Aug 18, 2014

Tender turnovers are perfect to exchange with friends, so why not host a preholiday appetizer exchange to do just that? Have everyone create a variety of fillings, then bake a selection of flavours to swap. 

Hearty Sausage Stew

Hearty Sausage Stew

Jul 14, 2005

Challenge: If you think it's only the kids who get impatient when they're hungry and supper's not ready, meet my husband, George. He has to watch his fat intake, so I aim to serve lightened-up but satisfying suppers. Solution: I've found a way to feed George and myself quickly with a few of his favourite ingredients. Start with sausages: he adores them but can't have too many. He also loves stew, so a sausage-flavoured chunky tomato stew makes an ideal supper over polenta or linguine. It's quick enough to keep him happy, and because I use only 8 oz (250 g) lean sausage for four servings, I don't feel guilty. The plus is having leftovers to reheat for lunch or freeze for him to have on evenings when I'm out.

Korean-Style Rice Bowl

Korean-Style Rice Bowl

Bring some Korean flair to the table with this flavourful dinner that’s packed with good-for-your veggies and tender ground beef.
