1387 recipes for "mustard"
Apple Mustard Glazed Ham

Apple Mustard Glazed Ham

Oct 6, 2006

If you cook the ham first thing in the morning, you will have enough time for it to rest while the egg dish bakes. Enjoy the leftovers the next day.

Spatchcock Mustard Herb Chicken

Spatchcock Mustard Herb Chicken

Jul 14, 2005

Spatchcock, which means removing the backbone of a chicken and flattening it out, is an old Irish term, abbreviated from dispatch cock, an order barked at cooks to get the chicken off the spit and out to the customer. Flattening a whole chicken means that you can grill it over direct heat in less than an hour.

Mustard Cream Pork Chops

Mustard Cream Pork Chops

May 18, 2011

One of those good home cooked meals that takes about 20 minutes - just enough time for the noodles to be ready!

Mustard Honey Pork Chops

Mustard Honey Pork Chops

Jul 10, 2006

Sweet yet tangy pork chops appeal to everyone in the family. They need only whole grain rice and your favourite steamed vegetable to fill the plate.

Roasted Mustard Lake Trout

Roasted Mustard Lake Trout

Jul 14, 2005

When you're hungry after a day's fishing (or a day at work) and you want to eat fast, this 10-minute glazed fish is just the ticket. Serve with rice and wilted fresh spinach.

Mustard Garlic Flank Steak

Mustard Garlic Flank Steak

Jul 8, 2008

For the most tender results, grill flank steaks to no more than medium (160°F/71°C) and slice very thinly on the diagonal across the grain.
