743 recipes for "parmesan"
Zucchini Blossom Risotto

Zucchini Blossom Risotto

Aug 24, 2010

This golden risotto is the perfect backdrop for the delicate flavour of zucchini blossoms. To preserve their fresh, subtle taste, add them at the end and cook until just wilted.

Creamy Tomato Shells

Creamy Tomato Shells

Jul 14, 2005

Add calcium to your weekday pasta dinner with a splash of vitamin-rich evaporated milk.

Mixed Caesar Salad

Mixed Caesar Salad

Jul 14, 2005

Garlic breath is no problem for Jessica Lajner, who loves Caesar-style salad in her lunch once a week, along with a tortilla wrap stuffed with luncheon meat. Mom stays happy when Jessica rounds out her lunch with seedless grapes or a pear. To keep the tasty and nutritious salad fresh, pack the dressing on the side for kids to pour on at school. A portion of this salad is great to boost the day's vegetable intake.

Hidden Sloppy Joes

Hidden Sloppy Joes

Nov 27, 2008

This was a favourite for my family when the kids were young. I worked full time and would make this up the night before and pop it in the oven when I got home the next day. I have also just made the meat mixture and put it on buns. It is so delicious. I would make my favourite Tea Biscuit recipe or buy Bisquick for the crust.
