51 recipes for "extra_virgin_olive_oil"
Dill Orange Vinegar

Dill Orange Vinegar

Jun 3, 2006

To use this vinegar in a salad dressing, whisk together 2/3 cup (150 mL) extra-virgin olive oil, 1/3 cup (75 mL) Dill Orange Vinegar, 1 tbsp (15 mL) chopped fresh dill and 1/4 tsp (1 mL) each granulated sugar, salt and pepper. Serve tossed with torn mixed greens.

Prosciutto Chicken with Orange Sauce

Prosciutto Chicken with Orange Sauce

Jul 14, 2005

Serve with: Roasted quartered potatoes and blanched bitter greens, such as endive, chicory or dandelion, dressed with extra-virgin olive oil and lemon juice Lively Mediterranean tastes are featured in this dish, in which herbed chicken is napped with pan juices. Or grill the chicken and serve with sauce, as in the variation.

''Sure to Please'' Chicken Cacciatore

''Sure to Please'' Chicken Cacciatore

May 12, 2009

I like to prepare dishes for guests that allow me to enjoy their company. In order to do this, I select dishes that can be prepared before the guests arrive and are already cooking while we are enjoying their company. My "Sure to Please" Chicken Cacciatore is a prime example of this. Over time I have made several adjustments to enhance the flavour while at the same time using healthy alternatives (eg. skinless chicken thighs and breasts; I saute ingredients in extra virgin olive oil instead of butter). Because this dish has an Italian flare, so do all the other dishes that I serve before, during and after this meal. I serve an antipasta tray as an appetizer, and toasted garlic bread, a tossed green salad with an oil and vinaigrette dressing, whole wheat spaghetti, and the same wine that is in the cacciatore. For dessert I serve Tiramisu (also made ahead). As a result, most of my work is complete before company arrives. I have shared this recipe with women who say they do not cook and I have received rave reviews from all of them - their guests loved it so much that one man ate the leftovers for breakfast the next morning. I like to make this dish in the summer, when I can use fresh produce from my vegetable garden or from the local farmer's market. My inspiration for this recipe is that I love to cook and entertain. This recipe is full of flavour, easy to prepare and tastes like you were in the kitchen all day (what a bonus!).

Frozen Spiced Breaded Chicken or Fish

Frozen Spiced Breaded Chicken or Fish

Aug 1, 2005

After breading chicken or fish with this flavourful mix, you can either cook it right away or freeze it for future use. Be sure to use fresh (not thawed) chicken or fish if you plan to freeze the breaded pieces.

Spinach and Sole with Fines Herbes

Spinach and Sole with Fines Herbes

Nov 23, 2005

Holiday food is often so rich and heavy that a light fish dinner with fresh greens is a welcome reprieve. Serve with sweet potatoes or wild rice.

Tex Mex Shepherd's Pie

Tex Mex Shepherd's Pie

Feb 17, 2011

Tex Mex Shepherd's pie recipes can be found all over the internet but this version is personalized. Feel free to add and change things up to your personal taste, that's the beauty of having your own kitchen. Enjoy!

Corn-on-the-Cob Toppings

Corn-on-the-Cob Toppings

Apr 15, 2008

Choose your favourite way to cook cobs of corn: boil or steam for 8 to 10 minutes, grill over medium-high heat for 10 to 15 minutes, or microwave at high for about 10 minutes. Then brush with butter or olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Or dress them up with one of these butter, mayonnaise or olive oil toppings. Each topping makes about 1/3 cup (75 mL), enough for 6 cobs of corn.
